
Small Cap Diversified Value

Strategy Description

A diversified portfolio that targets undervalued small cap stocks that are out of favor and often underfollowed by Wall Street research. The strategy leverages proprietary valuation models and the seasoned judgment of our experienced research team to build a portfolio of smaller companies with strong balance sheets and attractive assets.

Strategy Facts

As of 06/30/2024
Asset ClassSmall Cap Value Equity
VehiclesSeparate Account | CIT | Mutual Fund
Style BenchmarkRussell 2000 Value
Strategy Assets (millions)$2,954
Number of Stocks350 - 400
Typical Market Cap Range$100 million to ~$5 billion*

Portfolio Managers

Judd Peters, CFA

24 Years with H&W 27 Years of Industry Experience

Ryan Thomes, CFA

16 Years with H&W 22 Years of Industry Experience